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bachelor of Criminal Justice

A bachelor's degree in criminal justice is an excellent opportunity for students to gain a solid foundation in the criminal justice system. Individual learning skills enable them to take on the next step in their career.

master of Law

The Master of Laws is a level between the bachelor of Laws and the Doctor of Laws in the degree education of law disciplines. It is for candidates with a bachelor degree in the national education sequence. The study focuses on solid theoretical research and aims to cultivate a full range of academics for the country , Practical talents, belong to the academic master degree.

Withdraw money in advance from 401 (K) and IRAs without penalty? Is it a good idea?

Under CARE Act, U.s. residents can now withdraw up to $100,000 from 401 (K)s and IRAs retirement accounts without penalty during the COVID-19 pandemic. Is it a good idea?

FAAMG financial report intensively announced, focusing on Fed FOMC

As of Friday, 24% of the s&P 500 constituent stocks have announced 21Q2 results. Overall profit increased by +74.2% year-on-year, and revenue increased by +20.9% year-on-year, the fastest growth rate since the 2008 financial crisis